Saturday, June 21, 2008


Recent happenings:

1. Had an embarrassing and total meltdown in work because I didn't get the day off that I wanted. Total mess: crying uncontrollably, eyes all puffy. Awesome. Good work julester.

2. I woke up a day ago, only to find three pairs of underwear and two bras in my cat's litter box. I don't remember putting them there, and I'm not sure what Sligo is trying to tell me by doing it.

3. Speaking of Sligo, I am still torn between whether or not to declaw him. Is it really that bad for the cat?

4. I went to a 13 hr. funeral celebration. I say celebration, because I have no other explanation for eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner with my boyfriend's extended family other than that. All I know is that they're upset that I'm not Irish. My, my- how the tables have turned.

5. My old purple bike got a flat tire, and I left it outside. It got stolen...

6. I bought a new bike! It's a hybrid, and although it's new, it was slightly discounted because it was slightly broken: I can't shift into 6th gear ever. You know what I say? 5th or 7th gear are really enough for me, thanks. 6th gear is overrated anyway.

7. I ran out of kitty litter, and I really should address this issue, but I'm hoping that it will sort itself out. (There were lots of double constants in that sentence, no?)

8. My hair has finally grown long enough again for me to put it in a ponytail. Yay!

That's all for now. Check ya later.

1 comment:

Supersaps said...

Don't declaw! (I have a tuxedo cat as well, by the way. And she never scratches anything besides this thing called a
"scratch lounge"

Anyway, just passing time on facebook and saw a link to your blog. How are you these days? I hope you're well. :)