Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Since I have turned 25, I have had trouble getting my priorities straight. Before, priorities used to be easy. When I was little, my priority was getting home on time from school to watch TailSpin. When I was a teenager, my priority was avoiding my parents as much as possible. As a college student, I did work so I could eventually get a good job. Once I got a job, my priority was to enjoy myself as much as possible.

But now it is a different game. I am no longer in my early 20’s; I am now in my mid-20’s. And this leads to a whole new slew of possible priorities.

Should I put my job first? After all, it is my career. But school is also part of my career; should that go first? And what about my health? Shouldn't I be seeing the doctor, having lab tests, and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week?

And what about the rest of my life: shouldn’t my family, friends, and boyfriend have spots in there too? What about my new interest in yoga and cooking? What about blogging? What about those stacks of British chick lit I have to get through?!

Although it is impossible to accomplish everything, everything must be done- which makes prioritizing not as fun. The nature of prioritizing is realizing that something, something, will have to fall by the wayside. And now, at the young age of a mature 25, what will that be? I’m scared that life will always be this way from now on. I am scared that all those “I want to’s” will be replaced with “I should’s” and “I have to’s.”

But please life, give me a break! I really need to get to all that British chick lit!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Recent Obsessions

1.Yoga. So I went today for the first time to a yoga class, and oh my goodness! I totally got my butt kicked!! But in a good way. Even though my back is sore, I dripped about 4 liters of sweat, and I don’t think I can walk for three days, I’m still happy that I went. There was even an Olympian in my class! A woman’s rower that actually lives in my complex. Who knew? The other funny thing about yoga: some guy I briefly dated was there.

2. Touch-screen gym equipment. I just renewed my gym subscription to Penn (cough, haven’t been to the gym since February, cough), and I am totally amazed! All the machines are brand new touch-screens that let me plug in an ipod, use a usb drive to record all my workouts, and gives me a personal electronic coach to encourage me. It’s really awesome.

3. The color orange. It’s amazing- it looks good on scarves, Flyers’ jerseys, and pumpkins. It’s not really stuck to one season, and better yet: I think I look pretty darn good in it, too.

4. Scrubs, the TV show. I’ve started watching all the old seasons. Why didn’t someone get me into this hilariousness years ago? It’s so classic! I’ve totally been missing out!

5. T-shirts with funny sayings. Okay, maybe I should have outgrown funny shirts ten years ago in high school, but I think they’re just so cute! Especially with the change of season; I can totally layer them over long sleeves and add a scarf….

6. Fall. About damn time… I’m tired of sweating my non-existent balls off.

7. Keurig Coffee brewer. There is absolutely nothing as amazing at 6am: waking up, and having a beautiful cup of coffee, freshly brewed, two minutes later.

8. Saying “Dude.” I am not quite sure why I keep saying it, but I really need to stop… especially after I called my boss Dude last week. Not. Cool.

9. Sligo. Sorry to say it again, but I basically have the best cat in the world!

10. Wanting a house. So, even though I have a condo, I have recently been craving a house like candy. Suddenly I want a garage, a backyard, a dining room… at least I’m over the baby thing, haha. I probably should cut back on the search online though, because I keep getting emails from realtors. Oh boy.

Unit next time!