Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Since I have turned 25, I have had trouble getting my priorities straight. Before, priorities used to be easy. When I was little, my priority was getting home on time from school to watch TailSpin. When I was a teenager, my priority was avoiding my parents as much as possible. As a college student, I did work so I could eventually get a good job. Once I got a job, my priority was to enjoy myself as much as possible.

But now it is a different game. I am no longer in my early 20’s; I am now in my mid-20’s. And this leads to a whole new slew of possible priorities.

Should I put my job first? After all, it is my career. But school is also part of my career; should that go first? And what about my health? Shouldn't I be seeing the doctor, having lab tests, and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week?

And what about the rest of my life: shouldn’t my family, friends, and boyfriend have spots in there too? What about my new interest in yoga and cooking? What about blogging? What about those stacks of British chick lit I have to get through?!

Although it is impossible to accomplish everything, everything must be done- which makes prioritizing not as fun. The nature of prioritizing is realizing that something, something, will have to fall by the wayside. And now, at the young age of a mature 25, what will that be? I’m scared that life will always be this way from now on. I am scared that all those “I want to’s” will be replaced with “I should’s” and “I have to’s.”

But please life, give me a break! I really need to get to all that British chick lit!

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