Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Winter Blues

Winter is here, and now, everything that comes with it. Ugh! I know that it's partially genetic and physiologic (and probably psychological, too) but every time it gets cold a couple things happen.

First, I start fuh-reeezing. Freezing leads to over eating. Over eating leads to getting fat. Getting fat gets me depressed and despondent. And that gets me no where, other than more of all those things.

Second, this is the first time that my hands have actually started to really, really hurt with the cold weather. It seems silly, but it's so true. The worst is when I have to bike to work... I keep hot packs in my gloves, but it really doesn't do that much. I'm starting to have trouble texting, typing, and piano-ing now- which really, really scares me.

Third, I start to spend crazy amounts of money that I don't have on useless things that I totally don't need. I blame it on being the Christmas promotions. I guess they work! Also on a money note, I have to turn my heat on to stop from shivering (honestly? my heat is on 68 degrees and I'm still wearing a coat, hat, and gloves).

But I am tired of always being a negative nellie. Seriously- please start calling me out on it! It has gotten out of hand! So here are some positive things about it being winter:

-I get to wear scarves again, and I love scarves!
-my cat is not shedding nearly as much
-getting dark earlier means I go to bed at a reasonable time
-cute hats (esp. my new kanga one- note above, spending money on things I don't need)
-good excuse to have more coffee/hot cocoa (delicious)
-winter means that the next season is spring!
-Christmas/New Years/MLK Jr. Day
-Speaking of Christmas, dressing my cat up in Santa hats

...and off to Target!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch out for those Christmas promos at Target!